CER Santander clinical center specialized in artificial insemination

Are you worried about not getting pregnant?

We want to help you achieve your dream and now is the time! every day we help single women, women with a female partner and women with a male partner whose male does not have sperm in the ejaculate or cannot be used. Also women with ovulation disorders and young women with a male partner and mild seminal pathology.

Do you want to schedule your appointment by Skype?

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    What is artificial insemination?

    Artificial insemination is an assisted reproduction treatment whose objective is to facilitate the meeting of the sperm with the ovum in the most natural way possible.

    It requires the integrity of the woman’s tubes and the use of sperm from the partner or an anonymous donor.

    Why choose CER?


    We are able to offer you the latest advances in assisted reproduction, as well as to ensure that all our services are carried out with the maximum guarantees of success and safety.


    We create care plans centered on you. You can request your first visit for free, you will be received by Dr. Ochoa.


    We offer patients the possibility of an excellent quality of care, in terms of processes that your regular doctor does not have, and with the degree of participation established for each case.


    We take very seriously the quality of the service we offer, respect for your private life and your privacy, which we try to pamper in our center located within a space, along with other medical and health specialties.

    Do you have any questions?

    Schedule your appointment by Skype


    LLAMA E INFÓRMATE 📞942 270 000

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      Los interesados podrán ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, portabilidad o limitación del tratamiento, dirigiéndose a CER SANTANDER SL en la siguiente dirección: Avda Santa Cruz, N º 56 39100, SANT CRUZ DE BEZANA. Igualmente, puede presentar una reclamación ante la Agencia Española de Protección de datos si considera que sus derechos han sido vulnerados.

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