Testicular biopsy

What is a testicular biopsy?

Testicular biopsy is an assisted reproductive treatment that can allow men to be a father who do not have sperm in the ejaculate.

In assisted reproduction, the testicular biopsy is intended to look for sperm in the seminiferous tubules that make up the anatomy of the testicle.

What is a testicular biopsy?

It is a small surgical act that requires a gentle anesthesia.

The material from the biopsy is processed in the andrology laboratory to separate the sperm from the rest of the tissues, which will be used to microinject the eggs with the intention of generating embryos that will later be used to transfer to the woman’s uterus.

It requires in vitro fertilization with micro sperm injection for the generation of embryos and an embryo transfer.

The personnel belonging to the urology, andrology laboratory, embryology laboratory, gynecology, anesthesiology and nursing teams intervene.


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